

We are dedicated to providing you support for using our services. We have created a list of commonly addressed support issues in the FAQ section below.


How do I cancel my subscription?

Subscription renews automatically unless it is canceled at least 24 hours before the end of the current period. If you start a free trial, you have to cancel your subscription at least 24 hours before the trial period ends, otherwise you will be charged for renewal. You can cancel your subscription using your Android device. 1. Open the Google Play Store. 2. Tap the profile icon at the top right. 3. Tap Payments & Subscriptions > Subscriptions. 4. Select the subscription you want to cancel. 5. Tap Cancel Subscription and follow the instructions. For more detailed instructions, visit Google Play's cancellation guide.

How can I get a refund?

Unfortunately, we do not manage your subscription and payments and we cannot issue refunds. If you are not satisfied with our apps or services, we are sorry for not meeting your expectations. You can always share your feedback with us. Your subscription and payments are made through Google Play. Their refund policies are different depending on what you bought, when and how you paid, and where you’re located. Visit Google Play's refund policy for detailed instructions.

I can not import music into the app from Apple Music, why?

You might face problems while importing music into our apps due to restrictions from streaming services or DRM protection. Streaming Services: If you are trying to use songs from a music streaming service (e.g., Spotify, YouTube Music, or similar), these songs are not stored locally on your device and are typically protected by licensing agreements. To use such songs, download the music files in MP3 format directly to your device from a service that allows local storage and use of music files without restrictions. Digital Rights Management (DRM) Protected: You cannot use songs that are protected by DRM or were downloaded as part of a subscription service. DRM-protected songs are essentially rented and cannot be freely used in third-party apps. To use such music, you must purchase it directly from a platform that provides DRM-free downloads. You can buy songs from online music stores that provide full control over the purchased files. Once purchased, you can import these DRM-free MP3 files into our app without any issues.


If you still have concerns about any issues, please contact us at support@kitegamesstudio.com. All our apps contain a button for contacting the relevant support team inside the menu/setting screen.